Can I eat eggs, dairy, seafood and meat if I have eczema?

Dairy and eczema

Here are some popular FAQs from people who are following The Eczema Diet

"What types of foods can I eat while following The Eczema Diet?"

The Eczema Diet - What to eat daily (servings)
2 serves of quality protein (lean meats/small white fish/legumes)
3 serves of quality carbohydrates (low GI is preferable - ie basmati rice, instead of high GI brown rice or jasmine rice)
5+ serves of low salicylate vegetables (refer to Eczema Diet food lists)
1-2 serves of low salicylate fruits (peeled pear, pawpaw)
1 to 3 serves of omega-3 rich flaxseeds and/or chia seeds (from week 2)

"How much protein do I eat per serve?"  If eating meats, have a protein serve the size of the palm of your hand. If serving to a child, then a child-sized palm is your reference.
Vegan protein can be eaten in larger amounts. If you are not sensitive to nuts, raw cashews can be tested from week 8 (Stage 1 food, but caution is recommended).

"Can I eat carbohydrates?"  Yes. It is best to have some low GI or gluten-free carbohydrates each day for bowel health. Low carb diets are low in fibre and can cause constipation and bowel toxicity, so we recommend quality wholegrain carbohydrates. If you have sensitivities to all grains, choose the best non-grain varieties to suit your allergies and intolerances.

"Do I have to eat meat?" It is up to you… Vegetarians/vegans don’t have to eat animal products – you can have vegetarian protein twice daily with lunch and dinner and combine beans/lentils with grains to make a complete protein.

"Can I eat seafood?" If you are not sensitive to fish you can have small white fish such as flathead or hake (large fish can be high in mercury). Note an undiagnosed fish sensitivity can affect your results so don’t eat seafood unless 100% sure you don’t react.

"Can I eat eggs?" Not yet. More than 70% of eczema sufferers react to eggs so avoid them for at least a month and then test them to see if your body/skin reacts. Note if you have arthritis or gout, then eggs could worsen your pain/symptoms. If your skin is clearing up, and eggs don’t cause a flare up or pain, you can have them again. In the meantime, when cooking use “No Egg” or other egg replacer (available in  the health food section in large supermarkets, and health food shops) . 

"Can I eat dairy?" Not while you have eczema. Dairy products are pro-inflammatory so it can increase inflammation in the body and worsen eczema. I suggest avoiding dairy for at least 12 weeks (or until you eczema significantly improves) and then testing dairy products to see if your eczema flares up. Most eczema sufferers avoid or limit dairy long-term for itch-free skin - it works well. 

For more tips on the best and worst foods for eczema plus recipes and skin care information, refer to The Eczema Diet book. 



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