7 News story: Australian clinic discovers breakthrough in search of eczema relief
Reporter: Dr. Andrew Rochford
According to 7 News, "Groundbreaking research has revealed that diet could hold the key to an eczema cure."
"An Australian nutritionist has made a major breakthrough by identifying specific foods that clear it up, allowing sufferers to avoid years of discomfort."
Prior to her treatment last year, 12-year-old eczema sufferer Georgie Broos was in agony with the cruel condition.
“My eczema, it felt really bad, I couldn't do anything. I would scratch at night, I would cry, I couldn't go to sleep,” Georgie told 7 News.
Her arms and legs itching and covered with red eczema, nothing eased the pain for the young sufferer.
“They were giving us cortisone injections, cortisone creams," Georgie's father, Keith, told 7 News.
“At one stage they even suggested that we give her sleeping tablets so she could sleep at night and we thought no, we have to look for something different."
Photo: Georgie using the Skin Friend supplement on 7 News.
The family tried the new approach to treat the illness, swapping pharmaceuticals for food and supplements and Keith said the results were "unbelievable".
“The first month after starting The Eczema Diet and Skin Friend, the itchiness started to go away, second month the skin started clearing up. Third month? Unbelievable,” he said.
Nutritionist Karen Fischer, from the Eczema Life Clinic in Sydney, says the fuel we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our skin. “Our skin is made from the foods we eat so it makes sense to change your diet if you have eczema," she said.
Ms Fischer says, “These are your itchy dozen worst foods for eczema and there's some surprises here like avocado and dark leafy greens, the usuals - dairy products and junk food are all bad for eczema,” she said.
Ms Fischer initially developed The Eczema Diet and Skin Friend nutritional supplements to treat her own daughter’s eczema and is now helping others to do the same.
There are many patients with similar success stories. Ms Fischer recommends Skin Friend and the diet for patients with skin inflammation such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, hives, topical steroid withdrawal, red skin syndrome and even inflamed acne.
Before and after photos: Karen's daughter had wide-spread eczema on her face, arms, torso and legs.
Ayva's eczema was triggered again recently from eating too much dairy, tomato and avocado (some of the itchy dozen worst foods for eczema).
So Ayva used Skin Friend for her eczema (no dietary changes) and she can now safely eat those high salicylate foods with no reactions.
Ayva now leads a normal life without having to avoid dust mites, which she was previously allergic to.
Photos: Karen's daughter, Ayva, no longer sufferers from eczema.
Ms Fischer says, "Most people with eczema have tried basic dietary changes such as avoiding dairy and taking probiotics but they still have eczema because it's not a complete program. Chemical sensitivities are usually involved."
"So instead, we put eczema patients on The Eczema Diet because it is specifically designed for people with eczema, and it works."
"There is so much conflicting advice about diet for eczema on the internet and much of it is incorrect or one person's experience and not proven. However, The Eczema Diet takes the guesswork out of giving dietary advice for eczema and the supplements offer important nutritional support. You find out what is triggering your eczema, not someone else's, and it changes lives."
This story was featured on prime-time 7 News on June 29th, 2016.
NOTE: Karen has since released her most updated book The Eczema Detox, you can read more on how these 2 books differ Here
At Eczema Life, we recommend nutritionist Karen Fischer's low food chemical program (The Eczema Detox) along with additive-free supplements for skin health and wellbeing. Click on the images to view more details: