Baked Pear Crumble (from The Eczema Detox)

Pear crumble

It's getting cold in Sydney and I love this warm pear crumble recipe for dessert or as a snack. I bake it often, and ensure it's a big batch so it lasts for a few days. This is a healthy version of apple crumble, using eczema-friendly ingredients from The Eczema Detox and the The Eczema Diet. I don't like cooking with regular sugar, so this recipes uses real maple syrup because it is low in salicylates (and delicious). Enjoy!

Pear crumble recipe



This Eczema Diet and Eczema Detox dessert was created for people with eczema and other skin issues, however anyone can enjoy it. See notes.


10 ripe pears (or amount to suit the size of your baking dish), peeled, core removed and sliced

3 tablespoons pear water (reserved from stewing pears)


1 tablespoon of spelt flour or brown rice flour (or flour to suit your allergies)

2 ½ cups rolled oats

2 tablespoons whole linseeds/flaxseeds

¼ cup pure maple syrup or rice malt syrup

¼ teaspoon baking soda/bicarbonate of soda

1 tablespoon rice bran oil 


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
  • Briefly boil the pears in water and drain, reserving the pear water.
  • Meanwhile, line a 20cm square baking dish (or whatever you have) with baking paper (parchment paper).
  • Spread the pears out evenly onto the paper, add 3 tablespoons of the reserved pear water.

Eczema recipe   

  • To make the topping, combine in a bowl the flour, oats, linseeds, sugar and baking soda. Then add the oil and mix until crumbly.
  • If the mixture looks too dry add another tablespoon of oil.
  • Spread the crumble evenly over the pears and drizzle with rice malt syrup, if desired. Bake for 30 minutes or until the pear is stewing and soft, and topping is lightly golden. Serve warm.


    Optional: if not allergic to nuts, add chopped raw cashews to the top when serving.

    Have you tried this eczema-friendly recipe or something similar? Let us know in the comments section below.


    At Eczema Life, we recommend nutritionist Karen Fischer's low food chemical program (The Eczema Detox) along with additive-free supplements for skin health and wellbeing. Click on the images to view more details:



    Photos and recipe credit: Karen Fischer

    Product images: Noel McLauchlan