Pompholyx Eczema


Pompholyx eczema is also called dyshidrotic eczema and the main symptom is blistering which can occur on the hands and feet. Other symptoms include

  • blisters which may break and weep,
  • inflammed skin,
  • itchy skin,
  • peeling, flaking, and
  • dry, rough skin.

The sides of the fingers, palms of hands and soles of the feet are affected, although this form of eczema can present with other types of eczema elsewhere on the body.

Contributing factors that can aggravate or trigger this form of eczema include 

  • emotional tension or stress
  • sensitivity to metal compounds (i.e. nickel, cobalt and chromate)
  • exposure to heat, and
  • sweating.

Pompholyx eczema accounts for 5-20% of all cases of hand eczema.

Treatment options for pompholyx eczema include avoiding triggers and making dietary changes to improve your skin's resilience. See The Itchy Dozen Worst Foods for Eczema for diet tips. 

Fischer, K., 2014, 'Pompholyx Eczema', www.eczemalife.com.au.




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